Master the Change
When any project or reorganization occurs in the organization, leaders cannot ignore the impact of projects on how it changes how employees do their work. Change management is a vital component of any new initiative that transforms the organization. Center for Performance Mastery supports organizations with change management with PROSCI ®, a proprietary change management methodology, to ensure speed of adoption, which is the key indicator of return on investment of new capabilities and initiatives.

- Change management intervention assistance
- Change management training for supervisors
- Employee training
Given the pace of change, there will be lots of projects initiated, new processes or improved processes, causing disruption to how employees perform their functions. This is a classic change management situation. When new initiatives affect the way employees do their work, there is a natural resistance to those changes. Leaders need to be mindful of the organizational change implications of new technology and processes, as well as intentional to address the impact of change. Our team is certified in the PROSCI ® Model of managing change as outlined below:
Proactive communications with stakeholders as to the business reason for the change is essential. With many organizational changes, there is limited communications, or worse yet, no communications prior to implementation of an organizational change. As a result, those affected by the change are threatened and often choose not to accept and support the change. While project execution could be highly successful, the lack of acceptance and adoption call lead to a failure of the desired organizational outcome. The goal is to create awareness early. Employees will raise concerns. However, this will result in a dialog that can lead to next step in the model.
No successful change happens without effective engagement by all those affected by the change. Through continued communication and offering opportunities to participate in the change, stakeholders become allies, rather than adversaries. While resistance may still be present, active steps can be taken to manage the resistance.
Stakeholders need to be well-informed about the change, including its benefits, as well as how to operate after the change becomes permanent. This will be accomplished through coaching and training.
We want Stakeholders to realize or implement the change at the required performance level. We want stakeholders to be capable, so additional coaching and practice can be applied to achieve the desired level of performance.
Once the change has been made, it’s important to ensure the change sticks. At this stage, taking steps to reinforce the change and measure adoption rate is critical. Corrective actions and recognition of successful change is important at this stage.